The European Quarter Fund participates in this committee of the European Quarter, which is – contrary to what its name suggests – not so much a local committee, as a platform for exchange with Perspective Brussels, the Brussels' Region administration in charge of urban planning.
This "Local Committee" was set up in response to requests by neighborhood committees to be more closely involved in the decision-making and to follow-up on the workshops organized by Perspective.Brussels to formulate a "Shared Vision for the European Quarter".
During the most recent local committee, Perspective.Brussels shared its recommendations on how the functionality of the European quarter should evolve, also putting an emphasis on activated and transparent ground floors, soft mobility and green spaces.
The European Quarter Fund participates in this local event that brings together the different stakeholders in the quarter to exchange ideas on an action plan for the quarter as well as share information on construction sites and cultural events. The European Quarter Fund presented and clarified the "Private sector initiatives in the European quarter".
Becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2030 and remaining so: the project Brussels2030 is managed by the asbl of the same name which endeavours to present Brussels' candidacy to the election of European capital of culture in 2030. The European Quarter Fund is involved in the initiatives of this candidacy.
The federal government intends to transform the Cinquantenaire Park and its institutions into a new sociocultural flagship for Belgium, and this by Belgium's 200th anniversary in 2030: Cinquantenaire 2030. The European Quarter Fund maintains close contact with this initiative.
The European Urban Initiative launched a 50 million EUR call to support urban innovation and cities' capabilities to build a sustainable urban development. This call is a translation into practice of the values of the "New European Bauhaus": a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences.
The European Quarter Fund, in a partnership with a.o. the Brussels Region (and its various agencies), the City of Brussels, Horizon 50/200, Communa, Osmos and Community Land Trust Brussels, submitted a project proposal to connect cultural institutions between the Mont des Arts and the Cinquantenaire museums along a 'Green Museum Mile'.
The European Quarter Fund set up an inventory of buildings, visualizing and indicating where ground floors can be re-activated (see "Way forward") along this 'Green Museum Mile'. In a next phase, a digital database and a service will be launched to connect the available spaces with possible projects.